What does antiwrinkle treatment involve?
Anti-wrinkle treatment is a non-surgical procedure whereby a small amount of serum is administered into selected facial muscles by a trained dental professional using a very fine needle. Generally, anti-wrinkle treatment takes around 10 minutes. Discomfort is typically minimal and brief and no anesthetic is usually required. The injection may sting for a few seconds but normal activities can be resumed soon after.
Will facial expression be affected by anti-wrinkle treatment?
Anti-wrinkle works specifically on the muscles treated. This means that any muscle left untreated, including untreated facial muscles, should not be affected by the anti-wrinkle treatment. Your dentist will determine the best dose for you and which muscles to inject to give you the best results.
Are there any side effects?
In addition to its use for cosmetic reasons, anti-wrinkle treatment is also used to treat patients in a variety of therapeutic indications including spasticity due to cerebral palsy in children. movement disorders (head. neck shoulder, face), and severe axillary hyperhidrosis (excessive underarm sweating).
In the amounts used for the treatment of upper facial lines, the side effects are usually temporary and localised to the area of injection. Possible and very rare side effects include headaches, pain, bumming/ stinging, bruising, swelling or redness at the injection site, local muscle weakness including drooping eyelids/eyebrows, swollen eyelids, skin tightness. tingling sensations, itching/aching forehead, nausea and flu-like symptoms.
How long have anti-wrinkle treatments been used?
Anti-wrinkle treatment has been used in Australia and New Zealand in therapeutic treatments for over I5 years.
It is a prescription Medicine. It is used for the treatment of frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet, it should be administered only by trained professionals. Talk to your dentist about the benefits/risks of this procedure.
Cautions: People with defective neuro-muscular transmission disorders, infection at the site of injection, glaucoma, pregnancy and lactation.
Can anti-wrinkle treatment be combined with other products and procedures?
Many people use a combination of cosmetic products and/or procedures with anti-wrinkle treatments. Your doctor will advise you as to whether or not you will receive better results if your treatment is combined with other products and/or procedures.
It is used for the treatment of frown lines, forehead lines and row, feet it should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Talk to your specialist about the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine. Cautions: People with defective neuromuscular transmission disorders, infection at the site of injection glaucoma pregnancy and lactation Possible side effects include headache, injection site pain/burning/stinging/bruising/swelling/redness local, muscle weakness Including, drooping eyelids/eyebrows, eyelid swelling skin tightness, tingling sensation, aching/itching forehead nausea and flu-like symptoms.if you have any side effects or concerns speak to your doctor. You will need to pay for this medicine.
How and why do wrinkles form?
Wrinkles occur when we use our muscles to form facial expressions. The wrinkles formed during these expressions are called dynamic wrinkles. For example, when we smile our eye wrinkles become prominent and when we frown the vertical lines between our eyebrows become noticeable.
Forehead Lines
Frown Lines
Crow’s Feet
When we are young our skin springs back to its initial position after facial expressions, but as we get older dynamic wrinkles remain on the skin to form static wrinkles: these are the wrinkles and folds that are present at rest. This process occurs because natural substances such as collagen (the major structural protein in the skin). elastin (the protein that causes tissue to stretch) and hyaluronic acid (which gives skin volume) decrease with age. This, together with environmental factors such as exposure to sunlight, smoking and stress all contribute to the creation of wrinkles and folds.